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Writer's pictureDebbie Reinhardt

MPC members awarded in national communications contest

(From left: Roberta Duyff, Janice Denham and Suzanne Corbett/photos courtesy Roberta Duyff)

(From left: Kathie Sutin, Deborah Reinhardt, Cheryl Jarvis and Alice Handelman/photos courtesy Roberta Duyff)

More than 200 eager fans tuned in to the National Federation of Press Women’s announcement of Communication Awards for entries in its 2021contest. Top awards for Missouri entrants totaled five for work published or broadcast the previous year.

Roberta Duyff took first place for “Nutrition Communicators Write Books to Make a Difference,” a chapter in the nationally recognized book, Communicating Nutrition: The Authoritative Guide. Deborah Reinhardt’s top place was for her new personal website, Three Women in the

Another single entry submitted by an MPC member gained a top award. Cheryl Jarvis’ specialty article, “Trading Places,” published on the website, won in the personal essay category.

Suzanne Corbett’s awards included first place in the popular category of feature story in a print-based newspaper. “Where the Twain Meet,” published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, compares Mark Twain’s diverse homes in Hannibal, Mo., and Hartford, Conn. Corbett also won third place in the specialty (food) article category and two honorable mentions for specialty articles in business and sports.

Kathie Sutin also received multiple awards with her top entry in another often-entered specialty article (travel) category. “Pigeon Forge: Smoky Mountains Are Backdrop for Shows, Titanic and Dollywood” tipped Post-Dispatch readers to preferred destinations. Sutin also won third place for a specialty (education) article and two honorable mentions (news story/online and photography/photographer-writer).

Alice Handelman and Janice Denham also received NFPW recognition for their entries. Handelman won two second place awards, one for a personality profile and the other for a column. Denham's honorable mention was in the specialty article/obituary category.

Entries first must be awarded first place in the state’s Communications Contest to be considered in the national contest.

The announcement was made during the annual NFPW conference, conducted virtually in Little Rock, Ark. Contest organizers reported nearly 300 professional communicators earned honors during a virtual celebration on June 11, 2021. Over 2,000 entries were submitted in this year’s national contest.

For a full list of 2021 national contest winners, visit

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